
Diabetes Education Guide

DKA info
The Diabetes Education Guide is a resource designed to help educate people with diabetes and their families about diabetes and how to manage their disease. This 56 page document discusses topics in diabetes including nutrition, exercise, self-monitoring of glucose and ketones, wellness and healthy living, and sick day guidelines and management. The Diabetes Education Guide has been recently updated to reflect current standards in diabetes self-management. Specifically, a section was added on the importance of blood ketone testing and its role in sick day management and the prevention of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).
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Important information about Blood Ketones and Diabetic Ketoacidosis

DKA info

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious complication of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. DKA can be life threatening and is a leading cause of hospitalization for children and adolescents with diabetes. This brochure provides important information about DKA and how it can be avoided by use of blood ketone monitoring.

Blood Ketones and Diabetic
Ketoacidosis Brochure

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Ketone Action Guide

Ketone Action Guide

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Indicates actions to take at various Ketone Blood levels.

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Diabetes Nutritional Placement

Nutritional Placemat English Download
Nutritional Placemat Spanish Download

Developed as a learning aid for anyone with diabetes to gain a basic understanding of nutrition and portion sizes for a variety of food types. The placemat uses a simple dinner plate divided into three sections to show recommended portions for meat, starch and vegetables. In addition, the placemat provides information using real-live comparisons for portion sizes, typical calories burned during lifestyle activities, and a “Did you know?” box that provides the “added” calorie values for common sweets like a scoop of ice cream or a chocolate chip cookie.

The backside provides serving sizes for the various food groups including meat, starch, vegetables, fruit, milk, and fat free foods. There is also an 800 number to help you find a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE).

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